Not-so-FAQ [Top Common Questions Adult Dancers Ask]

We hear the same questions over and over: Am I too old to dance? (Nope), Will I be the only one who doesn’t know what I’m doing (Definitely not), What should I wear (Whatever you want!). But here is a list of questions that we’d love to be asked:

What can I do on my own to get better?

Whether you’re in an adult drop-in class or a youth class, the easiest way to improve quickly is to come to class often. But that might be tricky for some of us, due to work, family, vacations, or just life getting in the way. It sounds obvious, but practicing in between classes is actually an amazing way to get better at dance quicker. You don’t need to go crazy – a couple of exercises once in a while can make a startling difference. If you’re having difficulty with a tap move, try it out while waiting for the bus. If you have problems with balancing in ballet, try some gentle calf raises while hanging onto a kitchen chair while waiting for your tea to steep. If you want a stronger arch, point and flex your feet while watching TV. Ask your teacher for help – we’ll be able to come up with simple and quick exercises you can do at home to make you stronger for your next class.

What does it mean when we give you corrections?

It means you’re amazing! Don’t feel bad when a teacher gives you a correction – we all need a teacher to help us on the way to improvement, at every level. Sometimes it can feel frustrating when you’re trying as hard as you can and it’s just not coming. But our job is to guide you to becoming better dancers, and we do that through giving you tips to think of. We don’t expect you to fix it right away! If you feel like you’re not getting enough corrections, just ask – the best way to get your teacher’s attention is to ask if there’s anything you can work on to improve in that exercise. We love dancers who want to learn

How do I know when I should move up to another level in an adult class?

This one’s always tricky – we all want to feel like we’re progressing! At Dance Fusion Studios, our adult classes usually only have three or four levels (Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced), so you may be in the same level for quite some time – even years! This doesn’t mean you’re stuck. It just means that you’re in the right class for your level. Each class will be quite multi-level, with some dancers who have just moved up, some who’ve come back to dance after time away, and some who’ve been dancing for years. As long as you are still learning and improving in your class, you’re in the right level. Once your teacher feels that you need to be pushed more, they will recommend that you move to another class. It’s always better to be working very hard in an easier class than struggling with poor technique in a class that is too advanced.


Dance Step How-To: A Lay-Back Kick


Not-So-FAQ Part 2 [More Common Questions Beginner Adult Dancers Ask]